Charles Perry

Full Stack Developer

An early career full-stack web developer. Aiming to help others through their work.


With a passion for functionality, I approach every challenge as an opportunity to learn and improve.

I am someone who has always been enamored with understanding how things function. Throughout my time in school math and science classes were always favorites because they gave me the tools to better understand the mechanisms and systems present in our world. Growing up in the age of the internet I was always curious how the games I played and websites I visited worked and even put learning to code on a bucket list I was asked to make in the sixth grade. As my education continued I was never exposed to how this fundamental aspect of my life worked. So I took it upon myself to better understand what software development was and began to learn Python. I immediately fell in love with the idea that I could write scripts to do whatever I pleased and knew instantly it was going to be my career.

In order to fast-track my entry into the field, I enrolled in General Assembly’s Software engineering immersive course where for the next three months I spent seventy hours a week receiving hands-on training from industry professionals and working on projects with like-minded individuals. Having graduated from the course I have continued my learning while volunteering my skillset to local non-profits. While I haven’t decided what sector I want to work in, I know that I want my work to directly benefit people in their day-to-day lives.



HTML is present in all of my projects with a few exceptions


CSS is a language that I continue to learn more of with each project I work on.


JavaScript is my favorite language as it brings life and functionality to my projects


Node.js is my prefered enviroment for creating APIs.


I am familiar with the basics of Typescript and fully capable of working with it per client request


C# is used solely in my VRSandbox game. However, I find writing C# refreshing and fun


React is my prefered JavasSript library for web development


I use Express.js to write all of the routes in my APIs


PostgreSQL is my prefered relational database managment system


While MongoDB is not my favorite database language I apprieciate it's use cases over SQL


MySQL is not my prefered database managment system I am comfortable working with it


Gameplay screenshot
P1 Platformer

Other than a Tic Tac Toe game, this was my first attempt at making a game using Javascript, CSS and HTML. Deployed and playable, but currently a work in progress. This game is meant to be a challenging platformer that puts emphasis on the player having good timing and knowledge of game mechanics.

screenshot of Studio Ghibli forums
Studio Ghibli Forums

The Studio Ghibli Forums is the place for lovers of Studio Ghibli films to select their favorites and share their opinions by creating discussion posts. Front-end built with HTML, CSS, and ejs. The backend utilzes Express.js, Sequel and the Studio Ghibli API.

Reading Buddy
Reading Buddy

Reading Buddy is a colabrative project by Emily Krauss, Scott McLeod, Eliott Davidson, and myself. Reading Buddy is a virtual book catalog where a user can keep track of the books they have read, currently are reading, and help them find new books to read based on what their friends reccomend. Reading Buddy was built using MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js

VR Sandbox screenshot
VR Sandbox

VR Sandbox Playground is exactly what it's name entails, currently the player can move around the game space and pickup objects and spawn in new ones with the menu above the red platform. Built in Unity using XR intergration which allows for the use of muliple different devices. As I have time more features will be added, including a grapple gun and obstacle course.
